Nurture your soul. Restore your divine template.

Receive the help of your Light Team to heal all layers of your multidimensional self.

How it works

In a multidimensional healing session, we send our prayers to your Light Team, connecting through the heart chakra. 

Together with your highest self, they will assist you in whatever is of the highest good and priority at that time, bringing only the appropriate adjustments and upgrades that your soul is ready to receive.

I only act as a conduit, an anchor, and an amplifier for the frequencies to come through. 

After listening to your requests, we do a short meditation to set our intentions and align with the team. I will disconnect the call and you will remain in a meditative and relaxed state, listening to a healing frequency, while I connect to the team and facilitate the healing.

When I am finished, I will send you a report of what was done and any recommendations that the team has for you. 

What Is It For?

We can ask for support in virtually any areas of our lives. Usually we intuitively know when things are complicated beyond the physical reality, and need to be dealt with in higher realms first in order to bring change in the earthly plane.

We can ask for help with relationships, work, health, family, prosperity, blocks and fears, emotions, etc.

Some of the procedures that might be done include: rescuing of bodies and soul fragments, breach of contracts and agreements, light body alignment and restoration, spiritual surgery, removal of implants, cutting of cords and attachments, resolving karmic and past lives issues, emotional release, among others.

The Healing Modality

While I was doing Akashic Records readings in 2019, I was being trained by my guides to perceive people’s light bodies and witness the procedures that the Light Team was performing. Although I didn’t know exactly at the time what I was seeing, my curiosity led me to learn more about it. 

I soon found a technique channelled by Helénè Abiassi, which works with many spiritual teams, under the guidance of Yeshua. It uses the heart to receive the healing frequencies that are for the highest good at that time. It also allows the facilitator to look behind the veil and decode the messages that need to be transmitted.

It is a simple, but very profound way to facilitate healing, which I understand as bringing back home the parts of us that have become lost, fragmented or neglected. 

Although we all are worthy of receiving blessings from the higher realms, we must also take action in the physical plane to make real changes, and to create the life we want. The Light Team helps us from above, but we are the ones putting in the work here on Earth.


Each 90-minute 1-on-1 session includes:

89€ + taxes

Hi, I'm Carol!

An Indigo Starseed, multidimensional healing facilitator, student midwife, wise woman, mother, light worker, and birth companion.  

I was raised in the big city of São Paulo, Brazil, where the tree roots break the pavement, while skyscrapers compete for sunlight. 

Being severed from my wildness for most of my childhood, it was brought back to me when I learned about the beauty of my cyclic feminine nature.

Pregnancy and childbirth made me even more fascinated by the female body, and the passage from maiden into motherhood. 

After a dark night of the soul that arose from a toxic relationship, and from being an exhausted solo mom, I leaned into my spiritual guides and my wise woman within who taught me how to heal myself, develop my psychic abilities, and facilitate healing. 

I currently live in Belgium with my husband and two kids, and dedicate myself to guiding women in their initiatory paths. I assist them through pregnancy, birth and postpartum as a Spiritual Birth Companion, while carrying on with midwifery school.