Guiding women towards a sacred birth experience

Do you see birth as a sacred journey that deserves reverence, respect, and celebration?

Do you trust your body’s innate ability to birth naturally with minimal intervention? 

Do you wish to give birth in alignment with your own values and beliefs? 

I am here to help you tap into your Innate Womb Wisdom, offering holistic, personalized care, and creating a nurturing and safe atmosphere, where you can surrender to the depths of your greatest initiation.

work with me

Pregnancy is not a disease.

Birth is a physiological, natural event.  

Throughout ages of abuse, violence and patriarchy, women have been severed from their femine essence and dissociated from their female bodies. We were forced to submit to technocratic structures of the medical and pharmaceutical industry, which classified birth as a pathological, abnormal event.  

Pharmaceuticals and specialized medical care are valuable tools, but only to a minority of cases. Research has shown that planned home births attended by midwives result in better outcomes to hospital births for low-risk pregnancies. In addition, the high-volume, standardized care of hospitals, as well as their protocols, and routine tests and procedures overlook the uniqueness and individual needs of each woman.  

I promote natural, undisturbed home births as a means to: 

  • Enable full autonomy – trusting the sovereignty, intuition, and ability of birthing families to make informed and conscious decisions 
  • Encourage trust in the physiologyical birthing process – empowering women to take control of their own bodies and make choices that align with their values and beliefs 
  • Allow deeper spiritual layers of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum to flourish 
  • Restore the ancient tradition of village-supported pregnancy, birth and postpartum –ensuring an intimate and comfortable environment to bring your child into the world 
  • challenge societal misconceptions about the safety of medicalized childbirth, while avoiding unnecessary medical interventions 

Women know how to birth.

Babies know how to be born. 

reject any attempts to impose fear or doubt onto expectant mothers. Instead, I choose to provide unwavering support, guidance, and encouragement throughout the whole journey.  

Women can give birth wherever they want, choose their care providers, and the kind of care they desire, once they understand the risks and benefits of their choices with evidence-based information, following their intuition, and using their body intelligence. 

Choosing a home birth is about honoring women’s autonomy, promoting positive birth outcomes, and empowering women to trust in their bodies and the natural process of childbirth. 

What I Do

My experience in facilitating multidimensional healing taught me that my only job is to anchor and amplify the necessary frequencies for self-healing to occur. 

In Spiritual Birth Companionship, I act as the grounding force to ensure a sacred, undisturbed, and nurturing environment where you can feel safe, empowered, and connected to your body, and intuition.

I serve women providing emotional, physical, and spiritual guidance throughout pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum. This can look like two hours of deep listening debriefing you birth story. It can include a foot rub, a healing session, or defrosting a meal. It can be wiping up poop and blood, helping you vocalise during labor, or supporting you with breastfeeding.

Nourishment and companionship can come in many forms. Clear open communication, and building a solid trustworthy relationship are key in order to fully convey your needs and desires. 

in my service I value...

…heart to heart, womb to womb connection with the mother, the baby, and the family nucleus.

…clear, open, and respectful communication 

…using both intuition and scientific evidence for decision-making 

…prenatal care as the foundation for a healthy and successful birth and postpartum 

…the principle of birth as a physiological, sexual, and spiritual event 

…the birth space as the most sacred, intimate, and vulnerable moment

…the mother as the main decision-maker

…an intact mother-child dyad 

I will always...

I will never...

Receiving care during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum is not a luxury – it is a necessity.

A woman is at her most vulnerable when faced with the holy task of growing, birthing, and raising a newborn soul.  

She deserves to be heard, seen, nourished, and blessed.   

She deserves to have an extra pair of hands to help with daily chores. She deserves gentle touch, and comforting words. She deserves to share her stories, fears, and achievements with a compassionate heart. To be celebrated in every step towards motherhood. To be fully nourished and held in sacred ceremony for full-spectrum healing. 

When we are supported by allies, we feel safe to explore the most difficult aspects in our initiations. We feel as if we are not alone, because we can rely on them to take care of the extra load, so that we can surrender to what is being asked of us.  

I encourage women to acknowledge birth both as a physiological event, and a spiritual rite of passage.   

My mission as a Spiritual Birth Companion* is to provide holistic support tailored to your individual needs, so that you can thrive in your unique journey towards motherhood, embracing every aspect of your experience. 

*This term was inspired by two of my favorite midwifes: Maryn Green and Billie Harrigan. Maryn Green is one of my midwifery teachers at Indie Birth Midwifery School, who suggested the term Spiritual Birth Guide as an alternative to move away from the corrupted “midwife” term. Billie Harrigan coined the term Traditional Birth Companion, and you can read her definition here

womb awareness course

Connect to your womb and understand your fertility

Learning about your own female sexual anatomy and physiology is the first step if you are trying to conceive or thinking about it. In the Womb Awareness course, not only will you learn how to track your fertility using the Fertility Awareness Method, but you will also how to build a deep spiritual, somatic relationship with your womb and your female cycles. You also get access to the private Telegram chat where you can ask your questions, and share your progress with me and all the sisters.  

pregnancy and birth

prenatal care and birth companionship

A holistically nourished pregnancy is the foundation for birth and postpartum. It encompasses the relationships you build with your baby, your support network, and care providers. It depends on the level of trust and confidence you cultivate with your body, mind, and spirit. It requires pro-active decision-making and practical preparations.

During labor and birth, we will create a protected, undisturbed, and encouraging atmosphere for physiological birth to unfold. Subtle interventions such as touch, words, sounds, or even looks are kept to a minimum, while acknowledging when they are helpful or even necessary.  


Postpartum care

Acting as a grounding ally, I provide not only physical and emotional support, but also spiritual and energetic guidance during the crucial postpartum period. With a deep understanding of the mind-body connection and the transformative nature of childbirth, my focus is on nurturing the whole woman first, while considering the family nucleus and the support network as well. I will help you navigate birth trauma, hormonal balance, and the challenges of early motherhood with grace and resilience. 

Schedule a free call with me

Let’s get to know each other! Schedule a free 40-minute call and tell me how you would like to be held.