nurture life from the very beginning
From pregnancy to birth, take ownership of the powerful woman you are.
Holistic personalized care
A holistic approach to prenatal care goes beyond medical check-ups. It incorporates nutrition, movement, mental, spiritual, and emotional health.
As a pregnancy and birth doula, I help you to make informed choices, foster connection with your body, and encourage practices that promote balance and well-being.
Whether through emotional support, educational resources, relaxation techniques, or assisting with physical needs, my role is to nurture mothers, aligning with their needs and values.
Prenatal visits may include:
- Elaborating a meaningful and truthful birth plan
- Elaborating an efficient postpartum plan
- Educating about the physiology and anatomy of birth and postpartum
- Discussing nourishment and nutrition
- Mediating conversations
- Organizing a Mother Blessing
- Connecting to the spirit of your baby
- Resolving energetic and emotional issues
- Deep listening sessions
- Somatic work for trauma and emotional release
- Alchemizing fear and rage
- Ensuring you of your ability to gestate, birth and mother your own child
- Cultivating trust in your intuition and body intelligence
- Providing information, resources, and guidance for decision making
during labor and birth I will:
- use my hands only upon request and/or consent
- hold an undisturbed, ceremonial birth space
- keep subtle interventions such as touch, words, sounds, or even looks to a minimum, while acknowledging when they are helpful or even necessary
- keep you fed and hydrated
- provide comfort and encouragement for labor to progress
- clean up and help with practicalities during immediate postpartum
Pregnancy is not a disease.
Birth is a physiological, natural event.
The medical industrial complex turned birth into a pathological and dangerous event, even though it is proven that low-risk planned home births result in better outcomes for mothers and babies.
The high-volume, standardized care of hospitals, with their nonsensical protocols, and unnecessary routine tests and procedures overlook the uniqueness and individual needs of each woman and are not necessarily improving outcomes or making birth “safer” as they claim.
I believe in undisturbed physiological home births as the best way to promote:
- full autonomy for birthing families to make informed choices;
- an intact mother-baby dyad;
- the safest, most intimate and comfortable environment for babies to be brought erathside;
- deeper spiritual layers to flourish;
- village-supported pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
Women know how to birth.
Babies know how to be born.
My role is to provide a woman-centred care, with unwavering support and encouragement throughout the whole journey.
Women can give birth wherever and however they want, and choose the kind of care they desire.
full pregnancy & birth companionship
- from pregnancy to birth
- 9 prenatal visits & on-call from 36 weeks
- 1.350€
- Belgium
From pregnancy to birth, I will be your ally every step of the way.
One-time session
- whenever requested
- 2-hour visit
- 96€
- Belgium
Do you need an extra session apart from your package? Do you need my support with a specific issue? Let’s talk about the purpose of your request, and how I can better assist you.
Book a free call with me
I would love to get to know you better! Schedule a free 40-minute call and tell me how you would like to be held.