Spiritual companionship for womb initiations

Celebrate the power within you and embrace the transformative journey of womanhood

welcome to the temple

Womb Awareness Online Course

Embrace the rhythm of life, dive deep into the wonders of your female body, and awaken your true potential in this transformative journey with me and our sisters.

What i Offer

Women have been helping each other through womb initiations since the beginning of time. 

As your ally, I serve as a guide and a space holder as you cross your thresholds and unfold into your truest self with grace, feeling confident, nourished, and witnessed. 

spiritual birth companionship

Holistic companionship during the transition into motherhood. Spiritual, physical, trauma-informed care from pregnancy to postpartum.

Women's Circles

Connect with other sisters, womb to womb. Be witnessed and heard. Share with the community your deepest feelings in our safe space.

Multidimensional Healing

Receive support from the Light Team for light body alignment, energy clearing, timeline restorations, and more.

Hi, I'm Carol!

An Indigo Starseed, multidimensional healing facilitator, student midwife, wise woman, mother, light worker, and birth companion. 

I was raised in the big city of São Paulo, Brazil, where the tree roots break the pavement, while skyscrapers compete for sunlight. 

Being severed from my wildness for most of my childhood, it was brought back to me when I learned about the beauty of my cyclic feminine nature.

Pregnancy and childbirth made me even more fascinated by the female body, and the passage from maiden into motherhood. 

After a dark night of the soul that arose from a toxic relationship, and from being an exhausted solo mom, I leaned into my spiritual guides and my wise woman within who taught me how to heal myself, develop my psychic abilities, and facilitate healing. 

I currently live in Belgium with my husband and two kids, and dedicate myself to guiding women in their initiatory paths. I assist them through pregnancy, birth and postpartum as a Spiritual Birth Companion, while carrying on with midwifery school.

Temple's Pillars


Womb as the center of creation, and rightful destruction; the birther of of all life. Honoring the cycles of life, death, and rebirth.


Supporting ascension and the anchoring of the New Earth. Embodying Divine Mother and Father God's consciousness. Restoring original templates for humanity.


Building deep sovereign connections. Cultivating self awareness, agency, accountability, and integrity.

Book a free call with me

I would love to get to know you better! Schedule a free 40-minute call and tell me how you would like to be held.